4 Reasons to Take Every Thought Captive
Geoffrey Sherrell
2 Corinthians 10:5 says, “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” Paul is writing this letter to the church that is known for having a lot of petty arguments.
While Paul preached a message of unity and love, which was modeled through Jesus, he witnessed a church that divided itself. This left the church fractured and insufficient to do the work of the kingdom. Its lack of unity incensed Paul enough for him to give the above admonishment. So often, Christians are told that they need to take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ. It is clear Paul is writing this to stop arguments from happening before they begin.
How to take every thought captive

As Genesis 3 depicts, Satan’s best tactic is not to merely preach to humanity, but rather ask them questions. Satan’s first interaction with Adam and Eve was with a question: “Did God really say…?” Whether people believe it or not, Satan is asking them these same questions now, just in a more subtle way.
It’s easier for Satan to plant doubts and questions in our minds when we don’t know the Word of God. To take every thought captive means to not allow ourselves to dwell on or let in a thought that is contrary to God’s word. Rather, we are to question and assess every thought to see if it’s from God or from the enemy.
If Adam had questioned Satan what God had really said, Adam and Eve might still be in paradise. Instead, Adam allowed Satan to deceive Eve instead of stating the truth.
A mind that focuses on negativity and judgment automatically defaults to that line of thinking and that thought eventually travels to the heart. As scripture dictates, “out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.” Before arguments begin, the mind must be renewed. One of the best ways to renew your mind is to take every thought captive.
Four reasons to take thoughts captive
Why is that important? Here are four reasons why people should take every thought captive:
Our minds are depraved
Negativity and lies begin in the mind. In Genesis 3, Satan planted a seed of doubt in Adam and Eve’s mind. This began the downfall of man. When Satan plants evil thoughts in a person’s mind, those thoughts can travel to their hearts, which in turn lead to action. Negative thoughts lead to corrupt hearts.
Jeremiah 17:9 warns people against trusting their hearts: “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” The sin nature allows people’s minds to think about, and ultimately do, evil. A thought that is taken captive, however, will be able to transform their hearts.
We’re not anchored in the Word
Our minds must be anchored in the Word of God. The Word of God is the only truth to which we can cling. The Bible contains sixty-six books on how to live a life that makes our character more Godly. We must fill our minds full of the Word of God to test every thought that comes our way. This takes work.
A quick twenty minutes in the Word will not get you to the Godly character you desire. To take every thought captive, you must not only read the Word but memorize and study it. Jesus did this when he was tempted in the garden with the enemy.
The only thing he had to rely on when his body was physically weak was his mind. His mind was filled with the Word of the Lord. When he had nothing else to rely on, he could rely on Scripture to get him through that difficult time. It’s the only thing that combats Satan.
Analyze what you are putting into your mind. What you consume is not just books, but TV, music, and conversations to name a few. When you fill your mind full of gossip, slander, filthy language, and other things that are not from God, it is difficult to take every thought captive. It will be easy to allow those thoughts to become unfiltered. You must always filter every thought through the Word of God and test it to see if it aligns with what God says.
We struggle with mental health

It is important to seek wise counsel when your mind is racing. If you find yourself overthinking or catastrophizing your life, it is important to seek help when necessary. A counselor is trained to help with issues such as these. Make an appointment with one and see in what ways they can help.
We don’t test what we think
Because you live in a technologically advanced age, information is constantly being hurled at you all the time. If this is difficult to believe, give yourself a twenty-four-hour media challenge. Rid yourself of any media. Unplug from all devices. Watch no television. This includes televisions found at the gym, the restaurant, and anywhere else you may find yourself. Avoid looking at billboards as you’re driving down the road.
It is nearly impossible to go twenty-four hours without consuming some sort of media. The information you receive is based on half-truths or spun narratives which are motivated by higher television ratings and fatter wallets. When information is not tested or verified, you become more susceptible to simply believing what you hear. However, anyone who has been the victim of someone’s gossip knows that the truth can easily be manipulated.
It is important to test everything you hear. This not only includes media but also what you hear in your church and within your Christian circles. The Bible tells us to test all prophecies. While not everything you hear is prophetic, this is good advice when it comes to your media driven society.
Test everything you hear. Does it align with the Word of God? If you’re unsure, ask a leader in your church or your pastor. Ask for guidance to help you test what you hear. This will make it easier for you to take every thought captive.
Getting help
Taking every thought captive and making it obedient to Christ can sound difficult, but it’s possible. When you are diligent in seeking wise counsel from entrusted leaders, anchor yourself to the word of God, and test your thoughts against God’s Word, taking every thought captive becomes easier. When you take every thought captive, you can live a healthy life and improve your mental well-being.
If it is a struggle for you to take every thought captive or believe the truth about God or yourself, it may be time to seek the help of a counselor. Sometimes our past experiences or upbringing make it difficult to see where we have been hurt or developed unhealthy thinking. Reach out to our offices today and we can connect you to a Christian therapist who can walk this journey toward healing with you.
“Fence Sitting”, Courtesy of @_flipthescriptbook, Nappy.co, Public Domain; “Bible Study”, Courtesy of Oladimeji Ajegbile, Pexels.com, CC0 License; “Peace”, Courtesy of RDNE Stock project, Pexels.com, CC0 License; “Journaling”, Courtesy of @rawpixel.com, Nappy.co, Public Domain